Fully present, embodied and in your power!
Somatic Counseling
& Coaching
1:1 Support and group programs for women who want to get present and heal trauma...
So they can unhook from codependence & dysfunctional relationships, say goodbye to perfectionism & people pleasing, learn to set healthy boundaries and live an empowered and authentic life, on their own terms!
LIVE EACH MOMENT, Fully Present!
It may feel like anxiety, over achieving, or overwhelm have taken control of your life and that you need to get ahead in order to feel safe and secure. But it is totally possible to cultivate a life that is aligned and authentic, purposeful and present, and in which you feel a sense of resilience, balance and embodied self awareness.
CULTIVATE Embodied Awareness!
Because of physical, emotional or sexual trauma you often feel shut down, checked out, disembodied or disconnected. But by learning to show up for the present moment in a way that feels safe and secure, you can inhabit your life with a sense of connection and embodied awareness and reconnect with your pleasure and aliveness - living a vital life, just as you are.
LIVE AN Empowered life, ON YOUR OWN TERMS!
The dysfunction of your life and unhealthy relationships, or the fear of not being good enough have caused you to abandon yourself, over-function, or strive for perfection. But you will still be good enough and worthy of love, even if you stop people pleasing, being a good girl, doing the emotional labor, or if everything isn’t perfect. Because this is your life, and YOU get to decide what is true for you.

By Showing up instead of checking out….
By getting to know and feel what is real and true for you…
By cultivating presence and self awareness
by learning to embody your experience in a way that feels safe, alive and connected…
By making bold and intentional choices that honor your boundaries and inner wisdom…
by taking radical responsibility for your own happiness…
And by reawakening your experience of pleasure and aliveness…
you can live an empowered and authentic life, ofyour own choosing!
Let’s work together
1-1 Counseling & Coaching
To support deeper
individual growth -
Group Coaching
To catalyze connection and empowerment
Mindfulness Programs
To cultivate awareness
and presence
Hi, I’m Nichole,
I am super excited about helping women get present and heal trauma so they can unhook from codependence & dysfunctional relationships, say goodbye to perfectionism & people pleasing, learn to set healthy & self caring boundaries, stop toxically over achieving, and trade in their shame for a sense of pleasure and aliveness. Almost all of these behaviors are rooted in trauma. Whether you are a survivor of sexual trauma, grew up in a dysfunctional family, were taught by religious or social culture to be a “good girl”, or you learned that you would only be loved if you lived up to other people’s expectations, I will help you identify and heal the underlying wounds that have caused you to rely on old coping and self protection strategies that are keeping you from living a present, embodied and empowered life. There is so much pleasure and aliveness in being present!
By exploring the integrated disciplines of mindfulness, coaching, and somatic counseling (Somatic Experiencing), we will go on an empowering journey of self-discovery.
You will learn to be present with the joys of your life as equally as the sorrows. Where you once felt shame or disconnection, you will learn to feel safe in your body and reawaken your experience of pleasure. By asking deeper questions and opening to deeper answers, you will learn to occupy the ground you stand on with a sense of ease, and ultimately, come home to what is true for you.
My commitment to you is to show up fully for you as an ally, friend, and guide. You bring what is true for you and I’ll bring honest reflection, compassion, and wit. I will see you and support you every step of the way.
you are ready to show up fully for your life!
This work is for you if you:
Are ready to say NO to codependence, unhealthy relationships, dysfunction and drama. And say YES to healthy, mutual and equitable relationships.
Want to be present for life. Distracting and checking out just aren’t serving you anymore.
Are finally ready to start accepting yourself as you are!
See that doing all the emotional labor is exhausting and depleting you, and you want to learn to set clear and healthy and boundaries.
Are ready to stop abandoning yourself and people-pleasing, and show up fully for your own happiness.
Want to know (and feel) what you actually feel.
Are ready to take full responsibility for your participation in unhealthy dynamics and make meaningful change.
Are no longer willing to let your past trauma run the show.

Podcast Appearances
Unpacking Codependency & empowerment
NOURISH Podcast:
How to Navigate Intergenerational Pain and trauma
Unhooked podcast:
Meditation and Recovery from codependence